Clock the processor ARM Cortex A8, which is built on the basis smartphone Nokia N900, up to 1 GHz, although full-time clock frequency is 600 MHz.
Such a serious crackdown was implemented by modifying the operating system kernel phone.
It is worth noting that the stable operation of the unit is possible only at a frequency of 900 MHz. When the 1 GHz appeared likelihood of overheating.
At the same time over clocking craftsmen managed to reduce the frequency of standby from 250 to 125 MHz and voltage, which should positively affect the energy consumption of the gadget.
Such a serious crackdown was implemented by modifying the operating system kernel phone.
It is worth noting that the stable operation of the unit is possible only at a frequency of 900 MHz. When the 1 GHz appeared likelihood of overheating.
At the same time over clocking craftsmen managed to reduce the frequency of standby from 250 to 125 MHz and voltage, which should positively affect the energy consumption of the gadget.
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