LG Electronics has announced the mobile phone GX300, equipped with two slots for SIM cards for simultaneous operation in the networks of the two cellular operators.
Selection of active SIM cards made using a special key. On the activity maps indicate red and blue LEDs.
Phone working in networks 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, equipped with noise suppression, 2,2-inch display with a resolution of 176 × 220 pixels, 2-mega pixel camera, 30 MB of internal memory, slot for flash cards format microSD capacity up to 4 GB module and wireless Blue tooth 2.0.
The device is equipped customers to access services "Yandex" and the Anglo- dictionary Lingvo.
The phone's dimensions - 116 × 51 × 12,8 mm. It feeds on new battery capacity of 1500 mA • h.
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