Some of 24% of mobile phone users are ready to change your phone
number and the name of security for health, but only 9% know what electromagnetic radiation is.
Mobile phone and mobile communications came into our lives swiftly and irrevocably. Telephone in all and everywhere, it is becoming more intelligent and useful. Without it had anywhere. It is usually not made to think that all the usual and ubiquitous mobile phone - is a complicated technical device, skillful use of which is not confined to knowledge of buttons and functions. The neglect of basic technical parameters and characteristics of your phone, you may have unpleasant consequences for health, because it is a source of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The contribution of mobile devices in a common electromagnetic load of the population, which grows in the face of urbanization are booming, Russia is estimated to total value of 70%, so everyone, even the most easy-to-use mobile phone calls "electromagnetic literacy and the use of a particular culture.
On electromagnetic radiation from phones in our country are worried yet much smaller than in advanced Europe, but we are already ahead of the inhabitants of the Netherlands - the most carefree in this respect from the 27 EU countries. On average, according to a recent study by Euro barometer, 26% of EU citizens believe that mobile phones have a powerful influence on human health, 41% - an influence, while 26% do not believe cell phones are harmful.
If we talk about risk assessment Russians various sources of radiation, in the first place on the degree of danger is electric (power lines, radio and television stations, base stations of cellular communication, energy-intensive installation, etc.), then descending followed by the degree of risk: computers, cell phones, kitchen appliances (microwave, electric stove, etc.) and, finally, domestic appliances (vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, iron) (VTsIOM, 2010)
According to the sociological service VTsIOM (2010), most users are afraid of electromagnetic radiation, and believe that cell phone can have a negative impact on health - 73%, but only 9% of the population, according to the survey, to understand what it is. At the same time 79% of respondents expect security guarantees service from mobile operator, but 51% do not even know what standard of communication with their operators.
In the information-consulting center of Russian public organization "League of Nation's Health" was held press conference, during which the materials of the report were announced by Igor Nikolayevich Stupak ova, director of academic SC MHS Baklava RAMS on science "Pathological effects of electromagnetic radiation on health Child. The report shows that the prudent use of mobile communication can provoke various diseases.
"Mobile phones have become the first source of electromagnetic radiation, which is used extensively in the vicinity of vital organs.
Numerous studies and tests conducted by scientists from different countries, including Russia, confirmed that the human body "responds" to the presence of cell phone radiation. The biological effect of EMF in the long years of exposure to accumulate, resulting in the development of isolated impacts, including the degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, and hormonal diseases. Electromagnetic fields can be especially dangerous to children, pregnant women (fetus), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immunity.
The earliest clinical manifestations of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on man are functional disorders of the nervous system, manifested primarily in the form of autonomic dysfunction in neurotic and asthenia syndrome.
Those who have spent long periods in the area of electromagnetic radiation, complain of fatigue, irritability, tiredness, weakening of memory, sleep disturbances.
Often these symptoms align disorders of autonomic functions. Violations of the cardiovascular system occur, usually microcirculatory dystopia: the liability of blood pressure and pulse, a tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, etc. There are also phase changes of peripheral blood (labiality indices) with the subsequent development of moderate leucopenia, neyropenii, erythropenia.
Changes in bone marrow are characterized by compensatory reactive voltage regeneration. Usually these changes occur in persons of his or her work is constantly under the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a sufficiently high intensity. Working with MPs and EMF, as well as the people living in the area of EMF, they complain of irritability, impatience.
After 1-3 years in some a sense of inner tension, fussiness. Violated the attention and memory. There are complaints of low sleep efficiency and fatigue. Given the important role of the cerebral cortex and hypothalamus in the implementation of mental functions, one can expect that long-term repeated exposure to the maximum allowable dose of electromagnetic radiation can lead to mental disorders.
In order to reduce the risks posed by electromagnetic radiation, mobile users should take precautions, wear your phone as far from vital organs as well as with increasing distance the radiation intensity decreases; to limit mobile phone use during pregnancy and children. "
In our country, where the hope of "maybe" - a trait of national character, to think about the risks and foresee the consequences are usually not accepted by public opinion that until recently was seen as tediousness, as the pragmatists were in the minority.
But things change, the growing popularity of healthy life in the world has led to the Russians no longer taken lightly in their health, to love natural products, carefully read labels on packages and monitored diet, quit en masse, are attached to the healthy types of recreation and ekostilyu all domestic manifestations. This new fashion trend in the spread of a "League of Nation's Health" plays a big role, she got to the mobile.
Recommendations for the selection and use of mobile phones.
All mobile phones must have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on compliance with health standards adopted in Russia (Sanitary norms and regulations "Hygienic requirements for the sitting and operation of land mobile radio.All information about the issue of sanitary-epidemiological conclusions are recorded in a single register of the Russian Federation, which is posted on the website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
Federal Service recommends:
- Minimize time to use your mobile phone.
- To limit the possibility of using mobile phones by persons under 18 years, women during pregnancy, people with implanted pacemakers.
- To reduce the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, users should keep in mind that mobile phones are working in standard IMT-MC-450 (CDMA450), emit significantly less in 10-20 than working in standard GSM.
- In addition, the levels of electromagnetic radiation decrease sharply with distance. When you delete a mobile phone user's head from a distance, for example, 30 cm levels of electromagnetic radiation is much reduced. Thus, the use of Hands Free Headset is a very good protection against radiation.
Research Institute of Medicine on the results of the investigation the sanitation standards to limit the allowable levels of radiation and recommendations for the protection of users. NB Rubtsov, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Medicine, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, gives the following guidelines for choosing a mobile phone:
- When buying a cell phone be sure to check - whether it sanitary Epidemiologic opinion on the security settings. Remember, otherwise you will risk their own health.
- The passport for each model must be specified power. Permissible power in Russia - 100 mkVt/sm2. Anything that radiates more - is illegal.
- The characteristics can be specified and other criteria - level of SAR («Specific Absorption Rate"). In Europe, the permissible level of 2 W / kg. Measuring systems in Europe and Russia differ. Our standards are much stricter.
The views of experts:
"Research Institute of Labor of the influence of radiation on human health show that electromagnetic radiation is harmful to health. Under the influence of electromagnetic fields, which radiate with mobile phones and base stations generate, people having the characteristic manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystopia - headache, drowsiness, irritability. In addition, under the influence of electromagnetic fields in the body, thus causing the so-called stress response of immune system, which may decrease resistance to diseases and adverse external influences. As a result of studies based on experimental and epidemiological data on animals and volunteers, the Research Institute of Medical Sciences of MT was designed sanitary regulations to restrict the permissible levels of radiation. "- NB Rubtsov, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Medicine, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.
Electromagnetic fields are harmful types of radiation. Therefore, they are normalized. It has been known for over sixty years. In any industry, which uses electromagnetic fields, employees receive additional benefits for hazardous and are under the supervision of physicians, pathologist. We must be aware of: mobile communication works by using electromagnetic fields, the harmful type of radiation, which is normalized. For the first time in the history of civilization takes a permanent source of electromagnetic fields, which irradiates the brain. At the same time your brain, we now irradiates voluntarily and with great pleasure. This is a very important point, and this feature to consider when approaching the question of the impact of electromagnetic fields on man. "- G. Grigoriev, leading researcher of the Laboratory of Radiobiology and Health Non-Ionizing Radiation FMBTS them. AI Burnazyan FMBA, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, a member of the scientific advisory committee of the international program "Electromagnetic fields and health, WHO, MD, Professor.